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How do I complete a training?

Below we explain the steps to follow to complete your assigned trainings, either from PC or from the app:

  • From Humand Web to complete a Training you must:

    1. Go to “Training”.


    2. Once inside, you must enter the training you want to complete.

    3. Within the training, you must complete, one by one, its chapters in order to finish it.


    4. If a training has an associated quiz, when you click on the “Complete and finish” button, you will be asked to complete the evaluation or give feedback as appropriate. At the end you will know your final score for that training. 

  • From Humand App to complete a Training you must:

    1. Go to “Apps” and then “Training”.


    2. Once inside, you must enter the training you want to complete.Within the training, you must complete, one by one, its chapters in order to finish it.


    3. If a training has an associated quiz, when you click on the “Complete and finish” button, you will be asked to complete the evaluation or give feedback as appropriate. At the end you will know your final score for that training. 

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