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How do I download the Humand app?

To download Humand App, from any mobile operating system (Android, iOS, Huawei), you can search  Humand in your phone's app store (Play Store, App Store, Huawei).

Humand is a cross-platform application that can be downloaded on different devices and operating systems. We share with you the minimum versions of the mobile operating systems:

  • 🤖 Android: 24 (Android 7)
  • 🍎 iOS: 13.0

Here are some frequently asked questions about the app:

  • Humand App has a size of 49 MB. As a benchmark, Facebook is 260 MB. 

  • We are proud to offer an application that respects the needs of mobile data and internet resources, while providing an experience rich in features and functionalities for all our users.

  • Yes. On IOS, Android, Huawei.

  • The minimum version for 🤖 Android is 24 (Android 7) and for 🍎 iOS is 13.0

  • No! It is not necessary.

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