The mission of our Support Team is to solve all the doubts or inconveniences that any person may have about our platform.
For this reason, we provide attention mainly to:
- Administrators of the communities that use our platform
- Collaborators who use Humand on a daily basis
- Potential customers
- Partners
- Anyone who wants to know more about Humand
💡 What we believe in:
- At Humand we believe that ensuring an excellent experience for our customers and users is the most important thing we can offer.
- That is why our vision is to provide world-class customer service that sets us apart from the rest, and that our excellence is a key attribute.
- To achieve our vision, we exceed expectations in everything we do, always aiming to go the extra mile. Therefore, our team is committed to providing excellent customer service at all times..
🧰 Problem solving:
- Our Customer Support specialists are trained to solve any problem efficiently and effectively.
We take a proactive approach to problem solving. This means that we try to prevent any problems from occurring in the first place. However, we know that there will be times when an inconvenience cannot be avoided. In these cases, we are committed to solving them as soon as possible.
🗣 Feedbacks:
- We appreciate and need feedback from our customers. We want to know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong so that we can continue to improve our service.
- We also believe that feedback should be used to improve the skills of our agents. We want them to be the best they can be, and feedback is essential to help us achieve that goal.