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How do I see my Performance Review results?

In order for you to see the results of a performance evaluation the evaluators must choose to share the answers, this means that it is possible that the evaluators will not share them and you will not be able to obtain this information.

If the evaluators share the results, you will be able to see them as follows:

  • 1. Log in to Humand App.
    2. Enter the Performance Review module.
    3. Click on See results.

    Then confirm your identity by accepting the delivery of the results and you can see the answers of your self-evaluation and those who evaluated you.


  • 1. Log in to Humand App.
    2. Enter the Performance module.
    3. Click on See results.

    Then confirm your identity by accepting the delivery of the results and you can see the answers of your self-evaluation and those who evaluated you.

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