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How to approve or reject forms in mass?

Para aquellos usuarios encargados de gestionar formularios y trámites, es posible que luego de asignarse las solicitudes correspondientes, puedan aprobarlas o rechazarlas de forma masiva. Para realizar esto deben seguir los pasos indicados a continuación:

1. Ingresar a Humand App.

2. Ir a la sección de Formularios > Solicitudes.

For those users in charge of managing forms and tasks, it is possible that after assigning the corresponding requests, they can approve or reject them in mass. To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Log in to Humand App.

2. Go to Forms > Requests.


3. Once the applications have been assigned and are in the Open section, you must click on the arrow located where it says “Requests” and click on Select multiple.



4. Next, select those requests you want to manage and then click on Approve or Reject.



5. Finally, it is possible to add a comment to the approval or rejection of the forms. Finally click on Approve, and that's it!


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