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How do I enable the Single Sign On (SSO)?

If you want to provide administrators or collaborators with the ability to log in to Humand with their corporate accounts, whether they are Google, Microsoft or Apple, you must follow these steps:

1. Login to Humand Admin.

2. Go to the “Settings” section.

3. In the “External Log in (SSO)” section add the domains accepted for SSO.

For example, if you want those who have a business email address such as to be able to join the community, you must add the domain “”.


4. After adding the domain, you can select whether:

  • Login with SSO exclusively.
    You have to turn this option on if you want the community login to be only through the corporate account. This way, users will log in only by SSO and not by entering the user data.

  • The SSO login can only be done for users with an account already created in Humand.
    If you turn on this functionality, the login is only possible for users with a created account, even if the user has a corporate email with the domain configured in this section, if he/she does not have an account created within the community, he/she will not be able to log in.

  • What happens if I allow SSO for users without an account created?
    When logging into Humand, those users would be created only with First Name, Last Name and User (which would be the email with which they would do the SSO).
    Internally the “Password” field would also be filled in, but with a random password generated by Humand only because the field is mandatory. Likewise, for the user, only the password of the provider with which they login would apply.

⚠ Remember to click on “Save” after making a modification.

5. Done! You have now activated the SSO with corporate email for your collaborators. 

It is possible to develop any SSO that is necessary for your community 😉

Those users that enter according to these criteria will be created in Humand only with Name, Last Name and User (which would be the email with which they would do the SSO). The “Password” field will be filled in with a random password generated by Humand since the field is mandatory, but the user must use the password of the provider with which they login by SSO.

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