To assign people to each policy you must follow these steps:
1. Login to
2. On the left menu, go to "Time off > Policies"
3. Click on the 3 dots (፧) and then "Assign people".
4. You will then have 3 selection criteria:
- Segmentation groups: combine different options to create a segmentation group. This criterion will automatically include new collaborators that match the established parameters.
- Individual collaborator selection: select one or more collaborators.
- All collaborators: you will select all the collaborators of your community, this criterion will be automatically updated and will include new entries, always including the total number of collaborators.
5. Once you have assigned the users to be assigned through each selection criteria, click on Save.
6. That's it! You have assigned users to the policy.
Depending on the settings you make in the policy, the days will be granted to the the collaborators you assign at the time or you must make a manual balance adjustment if they have already been granted.