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How do I view the answers to a form?

To view the answers to the forms you must follow the steps below:

1. Log in to Humand Admin.

2. Go to the “Forms” section and click on “Responses".


3. Through the filter tool, it is possible to search for specific answers, either:

  • By users
  • By forms
  • By date completed
  • By form status (No approval needed, Approved, Pending, Rejected and Canceled)


In each response to a form, from the three dots, you can:

  • Preview the answer
  • Delete the response
  • Notify the approving agents that this form response is pending approval


In the right section of the screen, you will find two icons: 🗑️ and 📈.


From the garbage can (🗑️) you can delete answers to the forms.

And from the graph (📈) you can get a PDF or Excel report on the forms.

Both tools perform actions on the answers you filtered in the previous screen. If you did not filter, actions are performed on all answers.

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