Choose the appropriate response type to best suit your needs. The possible response types in a survey are:
Text area
Decimal number
Integer number
Phone: you can choose the default area code.
If you do not want the default country feature to appear, you must delete the numbers and save the changes.
Options (unique selection): the collaborator can choose only one of the configured options.
Checkbox (multiple selection): the collaborator can select more than one answer among the options.
Multiple choice grid: create a double-entry table with as many columns and rows as you need (they do not necessarily have to be the same number).
Dropdown: drop-down options to be selected.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date (mm/yyyy)
Upload files
Upload photos or videos
Signature: space for the collaborator to sign the survey.
No answer: the collaborator cannot answer. You can use this type of response to attach files, or instructions.
Autocomplete: is autocompleted with the information of the collaborator answering the survey.
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