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How do I perform a bulk upload of users?

In order to create multiple users at the same time you must follow these steps:

1. Log in to Humand Admin

2. On the left menu, go to "Users"

3. Click on the arrow next to "Create user"

4. Select the option "Bulk upload of users"


4. Once in the uploading page, you must follow this step-by-step:

  • From here we will be able to download the spreadsheet where we will complete the mandatory information for the creation of the users:

    • User: With this data the users will log in to the community. The only valid special characters are . @ - +.
    • Surname
    • Name
    • Password: This field must be at least 8 characters long.


  • Follow these tips when filling out the spreadsheet:

    • Usernames cannot exceed 100 characters and the only valid special characters are . @ - +
    • In the third step you can define whether you are adding new users or updating the information of existing users.
    • If you decide to overwrite the information, all the cells left empty in the excel will be loaded empty in the user information, and the rest of the data will remain the same as in the excel file for each user. The password field can be left empty without deleting the user's password.
    • In the “Phone number” field, for the data to be valid, it must have only numbers (no spaces or special characters like “+” or “-”) and it must have the country area code (e.g. 54 for Argentina).
    • The excel format must be maintained. No new columns or sheets can be added.
    • No cell can exceed 255 characters.
    • The excel can have up to 1500 rows.

    Note that although they will not be mandatory, we can take advantage of this instance and load extra user data that will be functional with multiple Humand modules such as:

    • Birth date
    • Phone number
    • Mail address
    • Hiring date
  • After editing the spreadsheet, select the file to upload and choose the "Complete" option.

    After the upload, we can check on the Status column to see if the data upload was successful:

5. Done! You have successfully made a bulk upload of users.



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