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How do I perform a bulk distribution of documents?

The bulk distribution automatically assigns the uploaded documents to the corresponding collaborator. To perform a bulk distribution of documents you must follow these steps:

1. Go to Personal Documents.

2. If necessary, create a new folder where you want to save the files that you will upload next, such as Payroll Receipts, Tax Documents, Contracts, etc. If the folder where you want to upload the documents already exists, you do not need to create a new one.

3. Then you must select the option Bulk distribution (.zip):


4. And follow the steps detailed below:

  • Scroll through the options and choose the folder where you want to save the documents.

  • It must be a .zip extension file containing the user .pdfs.

    The .pdf files must be loose in the compressed .zip folder. There should be no sub-folders.

  • There are two possible configurations:

    • Default: .pdf must use # as divisor and place the user in the first position.
    • Advanced settings:
      • Select the type of character you want to use in the file name as a divider (# . - _ )
      • Choose the position where the user's name will be placed with respect to the divider character you have previously chosen.

        For example, if my files are named as ReceiptJanuary-UserName I should select as divisor character - and as user position “2nd”.

  • Decide if you want to:

    • Notify users: they will be notified of the new document uploaded.
    • Signature: if you want the collaborator to sign the file you will be able to visualize one of the .pdf files you uploaded previously and you will be able to select the area where the user must sign.
    • Disagreeing signature: the collaborator may sign in disagreement with the document.

5. And that's it! You have performed a bulk distribution of personal documents. You will be able to see the status of the upload at the bottom of the screen.

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