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What type of signature is used in Personal Documents?

  • Updated

In Humand we use Electronic Signature, which unlike the digital signature, which uses encryption techniques and requires a procedure in an authorized entity to obtain it, the electronic signature is a set of electronic data that is attached to a digital document and allows the identification of the signer (that the signer is who they say they are) and the subsequent non-modification (that when signed, the document cannot be modified).

Some important aspects to consider are:

  • It is the signature mechanism and procedure used by multiple recognized platforms, such as DocuSign, HelloSign, tuRecibo, to mention a few.
  • It is a type of signature that has legal validity in several countries (Mexico, Argentina, United States, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Spain, etc).
  • Currently, companies listed on the stock exchange use Humand's electronic signature to sign receipts and other documents such as contracts or policies.


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