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FAQs Knowledge Libraries

  • Updated

We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about the section of Knowledge Libraries:

  • Aspect ratio 1:1
    Width: 25px
    Height: 25px
    Format: PNG

  • Aspect ratio 4:1
    Width: 1100px
    Height: 300px
    Format: PNG.

  • While it accepts any size, it is recommended for users using mobile version:
    📍 Video/GIF 780px x 780px (as a minimum to ensure the user does not have to scroll to view content).
    📍 Images with a width of 780px. Although the height is variable considering that the higher the image the more likely the user will have to scroll, in case it is necessary to view the entire image on the screen, the recommended height would be 1040px.

  • Our recommendation is that each uploaded file does not exceed 100 mb, because if there are many videos and big in size, you may experience some slowness when accessing the library for these heavy files, which generates a bad user experience using the app.

  • The allowed formats are:

    - PNG images
    - GIF images
    - JPEG images
    - WEBP images
    - PDF documents
    - Microsoft Word documents (DOC)
    - Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (PPT)
    - Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (XLS)
    - CSV files
    - Excel Spreadsheets (XLSX)
    - Word documents (DOCX)
    - PowerPoint Presentations (PPTX)
    - PowerPoint Slide Presentations (PPSX)
    - Excel macro-enabled spreadsheets (XLSM)
    - PowerPoint Macro-enabled Slide Presentations (PPSM)

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