There is two ways to create a question for an evaluation cycle:
- Directly on the template form
- In the questions section within the Performance module
Questions created directly in a template will also appear in this tab. All questions that appear here can be added to any template from the question bank.
Whichever way you choose to create your questions, the steps to follow are these:
If you wish, you can also add a description. You can select if you want the answer to be mandatory or not.
All the answers that do not have the option "Ratings, single answer or multiple answer" are text answers where each collaborator can write.
If you activate the option "Ratings, single answer or multiple answer", you will have to select the type of answer:
- Ratings: You can add as many options as you need. Then you will be able to download a report that determines what is the average answer selected in the evaluations.
- Single answer: You can add as many options as you need. Collaborators will only be able to select a single answer.
- Multiple answer: You can add as many options as you need. Collaborators will be able to select one or more options as an answer.
In this way, contributors will be able to write a comment on the question.