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FAQs Groups

We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Groups section:

  • Yes, new groups can be created from the Web for those users who have enabled the app permission “Create groups”.
    Also, groups can be created from the Humand Admin for those users who have enabled the backoffice permission “Manage groups”.

  • A group administrator is a member of the group with more functionality:

    • They can send push notifications to group members.
    • They can act as moderator and delete posts or comments from other group members
    • They can set/unset posts by themselves or other group members
    • Can make posts in case the group settings are set to “Only administrators can post”.
    • Can edit group settings and member roles
    • Can approve/reject access requests from other users
    • Can approve/reject post requests from other users
  • No, a collaborator can be a group admin without being a Humand admin, just as a user with access to the Humand admin is not necessarily a group admin.

  • No, there is no limit on the number of members or administrators per group. There is also no limit on the number of groups per user.

    • To edit a group, you have 2 options:
      • General aspects: you will be able to edit the group's name, icon, cover, description and privacy type.
      • Members: you can access the list of group members and act on them.
      • Configuration: you will be able to edit the permissions to publish posts, i.e. whether all members can post on the group feed or only group admins.
      • Settings: you will be able to edit the name, icon, cover page, description, privacy type of the group and the post publication settings, i.e. whether all members can publish on the group feed or only group admins.
      • Members: the entire list of group members can be accessed and acted upon.
      1. Within the Admin in the Groups section click on the 3 dots (⦙) of the group and then “Group Configuration”. You will be able to edit:
      2. If you are the admin of a group, from Web or Mobile you will have access to the “Admin tool” section, where you will be able to edit it:
  • Yes, within the Admin in the Groups section click on the 3 dots (⦙) of the group and then “Group Configuration”. Then, within the Members section, you will come across the “Bulk Upload Members” option, which will allow you to perform a bulk upload of members to the group, by importing an .xls file where “User” and “Role” will be detailed.
    The data entered in the spreadsheet will always add the users to the group, not overwrite them.

  • Yes! Users will be added automatically, according to the segmentation they are assigned to.

    • Open: any contributor accessing the group (member or not) will be able to see the group name, description, privacy type, number and list of members and posts (although they will not be able to interact with the content until they are a member)
    • Closed: any collaborator accessing the group (member or not) will be able to see the group name, description, privacy type, number and list of members, but ONLY members will be able to see the posts and interact with the content.
    • Secret: only group members will be able to see the group name, description, privacy type, number and list of members and posts.
  • Yes, you can share the url of a group or post of a group on the Feed. Note that users will be able to access that url depending on whether they are members or not and the privacy type of the group. That is:

    - If the url of an open group (or group post) is shared, all users will be able to access the link. Users who are not part of the group will also be able to join the group.

    - If the url of a closed group is shared, all users will be able to access the link. Users who are not part of the group can also request to join the group.

    - If the url of a post in a closed group is shared, only users who are previously part of the group will be able to access the link.

    - If the url of a secret group (or a post in a secret group) is shared, only users who are previously part of the group will be able to access the link.
  • Both modules are independent of each other, so each can be turned on/off independently if the other is on or off. Keep in mind that not all the functionalities of the Feed in Groups have been replicated yet, so the user experience would not be the same.
  • The community must have the Groups module turned on. If so, this module will be located inside the Home screen.
  • This section will only list “Open” or “Closed” groups in which the user is NOT a member.
  • Yes! Currently the functionality is available in Web for:

    • Open Groups: both admin and members will be able to add users automatically (no approval required).
    • Closed and Secret Groups:
      • Group admin: will be able to add users automatically (no need for approval)
      • Members (non-admin): will be able to invite users in closed and secret groups. This will not add users automatically, but sends the group admins an invitation so that they can approve/reject access to that user.

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