To edit a group in Humand:
1. Log in to Humand Admin
2. At the left menu, go to Groups
3. Click (⁝) and then on Group configuration.
5. You can reselect your general aspects:
- Group name
- Icon
- Banner image
- Group description (optional)
- Privacy type:
- Open: Anyone in your company can join and see members post in the group. But they cannot comment until they join the group.
- Secret: Only group members can view the group with all its information and make posts.
6. Members: You can access the entire list of group members and take action on them.
Manage members: Can add new members to the group by searching for them manually or applying new filters based on existing segments. That is, you can select:
- All the employees
- Specific employees users by filtering with your community segmentations or by searching for contributors manually.
Assign as admin: Assigning group admin role to a member, not necessarily an admin in Humand Admin.
Remover member: Remove a specific member from the group. The contributor will no longer see the group or access its corresponding wall.
Remove as admin: Removing the group admin role from the contributor, but still remaining as a member of the group.
7. Verify that the group configuration is correct. Likewise, you can edit it once the group is created:
- Any member of the group: Any member of the group can publish posts in the group feed
- Administrators only: Only administrators can publish posts in the group feed
8. Always at the edit end, remember to Save changes.
9. And that's it! Your group has been edited successfully.