To create a new course you must follow these steps:
1. Log in to Humand Admin.
2. At the left menu, go to Courses.
3. Click on "New course".
4. And now follow these steps:
Remember that:
👉 The title must have a minumum of 3 characters and a maximum of 70.
👉 La descripción debe tener mínimo 3 caracteres y máximo 250.
👉 The cover image must have a 2:1 aspect: meaning, two times wide in relation to the height. Recommended: 800 x 400. When uploading the image, you will be able to see a preview and zoom in and out to make sure it is seen correctly. -
From the Content section you can start adding lessons to set up all the material that the collaborators will have access to in the course. In order to add new material, click on Add lesson and choose the type of lesson you want to add.
You can also organize the material in modules. These are very useful when it comes to organizing the course in topics or chapters. Each module will have a name and an icon you can customize. To create a new module, click on New module and choose the type of lesson you want to add.The icons can be customized by clicking on them and uploading an image from your files, or well choosing one from the library available.
Lessons are the content of each module. There are 4 types of lessons:
1. 📽️ VIDEO
You can upload a video from My files or YouTube. We recommend:
- For each lesson, the videos don't last longer than 10 minutes, so as to maintain the user's attention.
- In the case of wanting to upload a video that is bigger in size, we recommend uploading it as hidden in YouTube and then add them to the lesson with the link.
A text can be added manually or by attaching a PDF file for collaborators to see. Consider that:
- The PDF files can be seen embedded in Humand without the need for collaborators to download the file and see it outside of our app.
- To make sure that the collaborators have seen all of the content in the PDF file, they will only be able to mark the lesson as finished if they reached the last page on the file, otherwise the button will not be active.
You can combine images, text, videos and any content that it useful for the course. If you wish you can also set up iframes for this type of lesson.
A final evaluation for the task can added, in which you have the following options to set up:
1. Number of tries: t is the number of times a collaborator can answer the questionnaire. If there is no passing mark, they will only be able to do it once.
2. Minimum passing mark: the mark with which the user will pass the evaluation. If the collaborator passed they can not answer the questionnaire again to get a higher mark, it will be set as finished.
3. Time limit: the amount of time which the user has to answer the questions. If it runs out, only the answered questions will be taken into account.
4. Show correct answers: it is useful once the questionnare has been finished, there is the option of showing the correct answers to the collaborators.
When creating the questions, take into account:
- Title and answers to the questions: maximum of 255 characters.
- In the case of single or multiple answers, there can not be answers written exactly the same and have to have text.
- About the question types:
👉 In Single answer you have to choose one answer as the correct one.
👉 In Multiple choice you have to choose at least one as the correct one and there is no maximum, meaning all of them can be correct.
👉 And the text type of answer are not considered in the final mark of the questionnaire. -
Set up the internal elements of the course:
1. Type: You can determine if the course is mandatory or not for collaborators. The optional courses can be useful for courses that offer additional information that is beneficial but not essential for the user's functionalities.
2. Content: Establishes the sequentiality and deadline for completion of the course.
- Sequentiality refers to the order in which the participants have to complete the lessons within a course. When there a course has a sequental setting it means that the modules or lessons have to be completed in a specific order. This is implemented to make sure there is a logic progression in the learning process, where each section is built over previously aquired information.
- Deadline for completion refers to the expiring date of the course. You can define the time limit for users to complete a course. After that date, the course will be considered as expired even though the collaborators can still complete it. Establishing a deadline can be useful to guarantee that the participants can take the course within a specific time period.
- Satisfaction survey means you can define if when the user finished the course they can get a brief survey asking questions like: How useful did you find the content in this course? How hard it was to complete this course in this platform? Would you recommend this course to another collaborator?
3. Target audience: Establishes the audience, meaning the collaborators that will be able to see the course available. If you select All users it will be visible for everyone in the community. While if you select Target, it will only be visible for certain collaborators, you can use the segmentations created in the segmentation section in order to target audience.
4. Notifications: You can choose to send push notifications when publishing the course. If you do not wish to notify in that moment, you can do it later in the course's options. -
Once all of the steps are completed, you can visualize a final review of the course with all the details so you can validate the information and succesfully create the course.
The course is created by default in an "active" status and from the course's options you can deactivate it.
In the case of wanting to publish an incomplete course, with missing information, you can target it only for the user that is setting up the course and when it is finished you can update the target audience to everyone.
5. That's it! You have succesfully created a course for your community.