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How do I make a bulk balance adjustment?

In order to make a bulk balance adjustment of the collaborators of your community you must follow these steps:

1. Log in to Humand Admin.

2. On the left menu, go to Time off > Policies.

3. Look for the policy on which you want to modify the balances. click on the three dots button (⁝) and select Bulk balance adjustment.



4. Download the spreadsheet and click on Next.



5. Complete the spreadsheet with the necessary information, following the guidelines below:

  • You must complete the following fields:
    - User: it is the "user" field of the profile, it can refer to the mail address or to an internal identification such as ID number.
    - Days: the number of days to be added to or subtracted from the user's balance.
    - Operation: "Add" in case you want to add those days to the balance, "Subtract" in case you want to subtract them.
    - Year of crediting: (optional) this field allows us to associate a balance adjustment to past cycles, e.g. if the days credited on 10/10/2022 we must indicate 2022 in this field.
  • The excel format must be maintained. No new columns or sheets can be added.
  • No cell can exceed 255 characters.
  • The excel can have up to 10.000 rows.

6. Select the file and click on Complete.


7. In the history you can see the status of the Bulk Balance Adjustment. The possible upload statuses are: Error, In process, Partial, Complete.

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