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How do I track the progress within each existing goal cycle?

To track the progress of all collaborators within an existing goal cycle follow these steps:

1. Log in to Humand Admin.

2. Go to Goals.

3. Click on the cycle you wish to analyze progress.

4. In this screen you can easily:


  • Visualize the number of goals assigned to each collaborator.
  • Identify the leader who should follow up on each collaborator.
  • Display the percentage of total progress of an collaborator's goals. The total progress is calculated as the average of the progress of all the goals that the collaborator has.
  • Identify collaborator without assigned goals.
  • Identify the latest progress update on a collaborator's goals.

This is useful to be able to detect and request early on to collaborators and their leaders to keep their progress up to date.

Consider also that this section allows:

  • Search for a particular collaborator in order to perform the corresponding analysis.
  • Identify if an collaborator is far behind in the progress of their goals with respect to the due date.

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