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How do I download Time Tracking reports?

After users have started recording their working hours you have the possibility to download reports with this information.

¿Which users have access to this information?

  • Collaborators with Attendance control permits: they can download reports from any user in the community
  • Collaborators with subordinates: they can have access to the time records and download reports only of those users that they have assigned as subordinates

To view and download the time tracking reports you should:

1. Go to the Time Tracking section in Humand Web.

2. Here you will be able to view the time records of your collaborators, divided by day, week, fortnight and month.

You will be able to see the hours worked, programmed hours, the total balance and any incidences that have been generated.



3. To obtain a report of these records you must click on “Download report”.

4. And now, you can see the two types of reports available:

  • Detailed report:contains the records sum for the selected period.
  • Consolidated report: contains the records of each workday of the collaborator.


4. Finally, after selecting the type of report and the desired profile fields or segmentations, click on “Download report”.

5. And that's it! You have successfully downloaded a report with the records of your collaborators.


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