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360° evaluations: What are the available evaluation directions?

  • Updated

Within the Performance module there is the possibility of performing 360° evaluations, with multiple directions where both managers and collaborators within the community are evaluated. The directions available are the following ones:

  • Downward evaluation
  • Self review
  • Upward evaluation
  • Peer evaluation
  • External review

In the following we will see what each type of direction consists of and how to configure their respective evaluations:

  • In this type of evaluation, leaders give feedback to their collaborators.

    All evaluation cycles include the downward direction. The collaborator's direct manager is the default evaluator for this direction of evaluation.

    From here you will have to:

    1. Select the form template to be filled in by the collaborator's direct manager. If you do not see a template to select, it is because you have not yet created one. To do so, go to the templates tab in the Performance module.
    2. Select the visibility of the manager in relation to other directions of evaluation. You can set that the boss can see the evaluations of other directions at any time or that the boss can see the evaluations of other directions only at the delivery stage.
  • In this type of direction, collaborators can evaluate themselves.

    If you have previously added a self review to the cycle so that collaborators can evaluate their performance, you must select the template form they will use to complete it.

  • Upward reviews give employees the opportunity to help their leaders grow and develop their skills.

    From here you will have to choose how the employee's evaluation will be shared with the leader:

    1. If it will be shared with the reviewer name visible.
    2. If it will be shared anonymously. 

  • Peer evaluations provide employees with the opportunity to evaluate those peer employees in the organization.

    From here you will have to set up the evaluators selection:

    1. If they will be selected by the direct boss of the evaluated
    2. If they will be selected by the administrators

    After creating the evaluation cycle, the selection of evaluators must be carried out.

    Once in the selection configuration, from the “Evaluated” tab we can assign who will evaluate each user.

  • This type of evaluation will allow you to help users improving their skills in collaborating with external parties.

    From here you will have to set up the evaluators selection:

    1. If they will be selected by the direct boss of the evaluated. 
    2. If they will be selected by the administrators. 

    After creating the evaluation cycle, the selection of evaluators must be carried out.

    Once in the selection configuration, from the “Evaluated” tab we can assign who will evaluate each user.

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