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How do I create a new service item?

From the Administrator Panel you can create and manage service items that your collaborators will be able to start from Humand App. To create a service item you must follow the steps below:

1. Log in to Humand Admin.

2. Go to the Service Management > Service Catalog section.

3. Click on “+ Create service type”.


4. Here you must complete the following sections:

  • In this section you must complete the basic information of the service item:

    ◦ Name (required): name of the service item shown to collaborators and agents.

    ◦ Description (required): brief description shown to collaborators to contextualize the use they should make of the service type.

    ◦ Category: it is useful for the collaborators to filter and thus find more quickly the service item they want to start with.

    ◦ Automatic message: this is the message that is displayed to the collaborators when they finish completing the form.

    ◦ Cover image: it is displayed in the catalog view to visually help collaborators find the service item they want to start (the ideal image dimensions are 1000 x 180, and the maximum weight is 100mb).

  • Next, you must create the form that the requesting collaborator will fill out to start the application. To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. Click on “Create form”.

    2. Within this tab you will be able to start adding questions to the form by selecting the “Add question” option and then choosing the type of answer.


    3. Once the question has been created, you can duplicate, change the type of answer or delete it using the buttons located in the right corner.

    4. You can also add sections to the form by clicking on the “New section +” button, duplicate an already created section or delete it.


    5. Finally, you can click on “Save form” to save the progress (as a draft) and then on the arrow ⬅️ which will close the screen and return to the service type creator.

    If you select the arrow ⬅️ without saving you will be asked if you want to save or exit without saving.


    6. After finishing the form, you can view the sections with their respective questions in both Desktop and Mobile mode.

    If you want to edit it, click on the 'Edit form' button. To view the different sections you can use the arrows ⬅️ ➡️ below.

  • In this section you must assign the agents who will be responsible for taking the requests started for the service item being created.

    Before selecting the agents they must first be registered. To create a new agent you can read the following article: 📚 How do I create new agents?

    To assign the responsible agents click on the “Assign agents” button.

    You can search by name and select the desired number of users (you can select up to 100 users in a single registration). By clicking on “Select” they will have been assigned.


  • In this section you must configure the audience that will be able to view and complete the service item. The options are:

    - All collaborators
    - Segmentation groups or specific collaborators

    In addition, the visibility of the service type can be configured through the “Show service item” option. If it is on, it means that this service item is visible within the catalog, and if it is off, it means that this service item is invisible within the catalog but can still be started through the associated link.

  • In this section all the content and configuration of the service item will be reviewed to confirm its creation.

    Once the revision is confirmed, click on the “Activate” button and that's it! The service item has been created.


Once you have created the service item you will have the option to:

  • Edit it
  • Deactivate it
  • Delete it
  • Duplicate it

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